Mói just launched their second collection for the upcoming autumn – winter 2013. Mói is a cool and urban children’s clothing brand originated from Scandinavia. Mói’s primary focus is creating stylish and funky clothes for children with a dash of attitude to inspire sustainable living, being free and of full of desire to make the […]
Rhubarb Republik has in recent weeks opened new sales branches in various parts of the world. This is done to bring our brands closer and more visible to the buyers in the selected countries and more branches will be available later this year. RHUBARB REPUBLIK is a Brand Agency that creates social platforms between conceptual […]
Rhubarb Republik is participating in the Kleine Fabriek in Amsterdam to introduce three upcoming brands; Ígló, Mói and Mina. The fair will take place on the 13th – 14th of January 2013. The three Scandinavian brands will be introducing their new Autumn Winter 2013 collections. Stand: Stairs 05 and 06 It would be our pleasure […]
Retailer of the Month is Metkula from Finland, who has Mole, Oh Baby London, Boys&Girls, NUNUNU and Solamigos amongst their selection of fantastic brands. Rhubarb Republik contacted Hanna and asked her to introduce her and the shop. Who are you: My name is Hanna Hirvonen Where are you from: I am originally from southeast Finland […]
Is grey the new white? According to organicZOO, indeed it is! This conceptual British baby wear brand has just released the new 2013 capsule range with its signature colour palette of soft greys and tactile beiges. The concept of simple, yet striking graphics combined with fun and unique finishes, like funky bows and little buttons, […]
Retailer of the Month is Les Bonnes Manieres from Belgium, who has Oh Baby London, Mina, Tom & Drew and NUNUNU amongst their selection of fantastic brands. Rhubarb Republik contacted Sandy and asked her to introduce her and the shop. Who are you: Sandy Goossens. Where are you from: Belgium. Where do you live: i […]
Rhubarb Republik proudly presents Micu Micu as the latest addition to the brand portfolio. Micu Micu is the experience and the illusion of Carles Piernas, textile designer,and Anna Casas, architect and interior designer, two young lovers of design and fashion, after collaborating with other brands of childcare, they realized that market demand for textile accessories […]
We are proud to inform you that Beibamboo was presented with this honor at the Habitare International Design and Furniture Fair in Helsinki. Within the prestigious elite group called “Design From Finland” were almost 100 nominees, and the jury was pretty much unanimous that Beibamboo deserved this win. The criteria for this first ever Design […]